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Westminster's Highways Review Panel


Clive Knott, together with colleagues from Marylebone, Maida Vale and Bayswater has been instrumental in establishing Westminster's Highways Review Panel. The Panel is developing a strategic rolling three-year plan for highways, which will inform the annual plan for Highways. It is well understood that rapid and unexpected deterioration can take place in road condition but unforeseen schemes should only ever be a minority proportion of an annual plan.


We are always looking for input from residents and businesses. Please contact Clive directly by emailing to discuss submitting proposals to be considered as part of the three-year plan or to find out any further information.

Other Traffic News

Lyall Street / Eaton Place - concerns are with vehicles coming towards Lyall from Eaton Place and colliding with vehicles/property. Discussion regarding flashing signs and potential for ‘virtual cushions’. Agreed to have the lining refreshed and a ‘Give-way’ triangle installed.


Eaton Place / Belgravia Place - Westminster have advised that sketches have been drawn up and options are being considered in effort to reduce the frequency and severity of ‘personal injury collisions’ at this location. Minor parking amendments and kerb buildouts are anticipated.


Belgravia Place / Eaton Square - discussed incidents at this location and through visibility. Not a lot of options other than the possibility of a wider 20mph limit. Note 20mph limits are currently under trial and whilst Westminster are taking requests for additional 20mph locations, no decision would be taken until after the trials completion and approval. See link to more info on WCC’s 20mph speed limit trial


Wilton Crescent / Wilton Terrace - concerns are with volumes of traffic. WCC has looked at this and have responded: The restriction placed on general traffic would likely have a displacement effect and potentially be detrimental to another residential location. It was noted that the carriageway is generous with parking and unlikely to suffer from antisocial behaviour more typical in narrower London streets. Westminster have been in touch with a resident about this and again it is unlikely a traffic management solution is viable. The closure of William Street was discussed however looking at the progress in the adjoining development it is unlikely to reopen within the next 18 – 24 months.


Lower Belgrave Street / Ebury Street (Removal of Traffic Signals) - The issue remains availability of resources. WCC will discuss the locations with TfL as occasionally there are funds to remove signals. Should funds become available a full review of the location would be undertaken. TfL have yet to respond.


Walk the Roads in Belgravia


Westminster City Council and Nick Orchard, Design Manager for FM Conway Consultancy invite you to "walk the roads".  This is a good opportunity to review any specific issues in Belgravia regarding roads, pavements and lighting. Everyone welcome, please email for more information.

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