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2024 Garden Party

Thank you to all of you who attended the recent garden party in Wilton Crescent Gardens.


The evening was a great success and I should like to extend my gratitude to the organising Team and arranging wonderful raffle prizes.


Hoping you have an enjoyable summer and  if there  are any issues that you would like to bring to our attention locally and please do get in touch.


James Wright


Save Our Post office

The Post Office have decided not to renew their lease on the Post Office in Eccleston street and tell us that there are adequate facilities nearby. In simplicity, there are not similar services offered nearby where our elderly neighbours or local businesses who depend on postal services could get to easily.​


Grosvenor are looking to relocate the Post office for a more affordable rent in another property in Eccleston Street. The existing Post Office building needs upgrading and refurbishment. The current lease is due to end in September and therefore we all do need to engage in public reaction and strive to maintain what the BRA regard as one of the very essential services to serve us all locally.


We will be campaigning on your behalf, but we are also asking that as many of you write in to protest and let your feelings be known to the Post office directly.​


The Belgravia Residents Association


Established in 1972 we have over 50 years of experience in matters affecting Belgravia and its residents.
Local decisions have to be made every day from how new buildings  should look to which way traffic should flow. We work together on the  variety of day to day activities that happen here.
We know that residents care deeply about the neighbourhood and their way of life and we aim to support them through our initiatives.


Our contacts

Chairman Mr James Wright, phone 07973 700 525 email


Joining us or any queries regarding membership please email


Any issues or queries about environment please email


For any advice and queries or issues with planning please email


Regarding events, promotions please email:


Any news stories or general enquiries please email:



Reporting issues


The best way to report a wide range of disturbances and amenity problems, like issues with noise, disturbance from builders, problems with waste collection or recyciling collection, street cleanliness and so on is to visit


Westminster City Council's Report It website


You can also call Westminster City Council's 24 hour helpline

020 7641 2000


or email


It is important to get a reference number from the call centre or by email so that this can be followed up if problem persists.


You can also contact our City Inspectors:

Tom Woods, Knightsbridge & Belgravia ward: 020 7641 1599 or by email

Stuart Ross, Churchill ward: 020 7641 2305 or by email


To contact council's Senior Planning  Officer who looks after Belgravia and Knightsbridge, please email or tel 020 7641 2000.

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